AI powered CRM

Your platform is only as good as the accuracy of its data and with Atlas, the data is perfect.

While old platforms require users to endlessly tag the data, Atlas manages this entire process for you, making your candidate database 10x more useful.

Key features

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Email sync

Atlas integrates with both Gmail and Outlook, synchronizing every person that you’ve previously messaged.

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Resume sync

Atlas captures every resume in your inbox and extracts the data perfectly with GDPR compliant AI.

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Company enrichment

Atlas discovers every company that a candidate has worked for, the industries that company operates in as well as pertinent data including corporate website, description and company size.

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Candidate enrichment

Atlas extracts every piece of information from resumes, emails, calls and interviews, and makes them fully searchable. This includes salary, notice and work availability.

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The most powerful search experience ever

Atlas uses AI across your entire business to tag and enrich candidates making your database 10x more useful