Storing your notes

Notes on steroids!

When you submit a note, a swarm of AI agents pull it apart, enriching all the relevant parts of your platform.

Your information is neatly organised for easy access, making searches simpler and faster. And if you need answers, just ask AtlasAI!

AtlasAI Q&A
Got a question about this interview? Ask me anything
Alex D
What is Suzanne’s philosophy about creating a high performance engineering team?
Suzanne’s philosophy for creating high-performing
engineering teams places significant emphasis on building
trust within the team. She believes it is important for team
members to feel that the business trusts them to deliver
on their work.

To build this trust, Suzanne assigns challenging projects
to team members and expresses confidence in their
abilities to complete these projects. She tells team
members “I know you can do that. I know it’s a challenge.”

She aims to give team members autonomy and
accountability by having them walk through their design
process for projects and be responsible for delivering
features from end to end. This allows each person to
contribute and build trust.

She also stresses the importance of team members
understanding the purpose of their work and how it
contributes to organizational objectives.
Magic happening . . .
Ask me anything
What is Suzanne’s philosophy about creating a high performance engineering team?

Key features

No clicks!

AI powered enrichment

Ask for answers

No clicks!


When you open up a profile, just start typing. You’re already writing notes!

If you are taking a call or a video interview, Atlas does the hard work for you – transcribing and summarizing in real-time!

AI powered enrichment


When you submit a note, Atlas engages a swarm of AI agents that read the content for any important information, adding that info automatically all around your platform.

Ask for answers


Need answers quickly? Query a single interview or every word they’ve ever shared with your team.