Customer support

This is your core system. While we’ve designed the software to be as easy as possible to use, we know that you’ll always have questions and those questions need urgent responses.

Our customer service is accessible in the application and respond in minutes. You may even have the pleasure of your issue being resolved by one of the founders!

Key features

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Immediate support, powered by Intercom

Our support team are available to help you use the platform whenever you need us. There isn’t a problem too small for us to handle.

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Migration support

We look after the entire migration from your old CRM. Once you give notice to your current provider, we will collect your data, transfer it to Atlas, and create a bespoke program to ensure the migration is totally stress free.

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Contract buyouts

For long term commitments, we are prepared to buy out the last 6 months of your contract so that you don’t have to spend that time competing against other recruitment agencies who already use the power of Atlas.

// 01
AI coPilot
// 02
Sourcing candidates
// 03
AI powered ATS
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Interview intelligence
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Business development
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AI powered CRM

Generative AI


An LLM that knows everything anyone at your company has ever said, heard, typed or read.

Instant Status

An LLM that knows everything anyone at your company has ever said, heard, typed or read.

Who’s looking?

Immediately recall every canidate who’s indicated that they’re open to new opportunities.

Salary sync

Every mention of salary is stored automatically

People enrichment

Your entire inbox, synced and enriched

Text to filter

Type who you’re looking for and Atlas will created a pinpoint filter list

All calls transcribed and searchable

What good is candidate search if all you have is a resume. Atlas syncs all your emails, calls and notes

AI Report creation

We use all candidate comms, interviews and intake meetings to generate a first draft candidate report


Hit // and get support for anything you’re writing, from job descriptions, to emails to reports


Every resume you receive via email is synced, parsed and updated


Atlas ingests interviews, intake meetings, notes, emails, phone calls and can deliver a first draft candidate report in seconds


AI generated notes of all your canidate interviews

Ask the interview

Query an interview an get an immediate response


Remember and recall every word from an intake meeting or status update

Similar job titles

One click expands your search to all related job descriptions

Industry Match

Type any industry and find who’s got experience

Hive mind

Everything your organisation writes, reads, says or hears stored with perfect recall

Candidate recommendation

Find the best candidates in a sea of applications