Build your business

Look after your clients and win new ones with a fully integrated Business Development platform.

From managing your clients to delivering meaningful campaigns at scale, Atlas ensures that business development is simply an extension of your day to day work.

Key features

Slice and dice your data

Smart categorization

Powerful pipelines

All in one

Slice and dice your data


Build your target lists your way, with unlimited custom attributes that are simple to create and super fast to apply.

  • Tag companies in any way you want
  • Filter by any metric you need
  • Build lists at speed
  • Automated intelligent tagging (company sizes, industries etc)


Smart categorization


Atlas monitors your emails in real time, intelligently mapping and enriching everyone you speak to without any effort. You do the business, Atlas does the admin

  • Intelligent tagging based on prior communications
  • Automated spam removal
  • Categorisation of your database
  • AI enrichment of corporate contacts

Powerful pipelines


Atlas gives you total customisation of your business development pipeline with a familiar and easy to use interface. 

  • Build a totally customised pipeline from the major steps to the minor stages
  • Track the reasons for winning or losing business
  • Integrate other BD tools directly into your pipeline
  • Drag and drop to change stages
  • Prospects and existing clients run through the same pipeline

All in one


In recruitment, business development can be led by the company or by the person. Perhaps you’ve found the ideal hiring manager or you’ve discovered a target company that has just raised money. Whatever the scenario, Atlas covers it.

  • Manage companies and people in the same pipeline
  • Automated tagging rules
  • Understand your BD by company